As an OCAAHS member, you help us fulfill our mission to illuminate the rich and deep history of the accomplishments and contributions of Orange County African Americans. We identify, research, and preserve African American legacies, lore, and historical sites. In addition, we host three major annual events: February, OC African American County Heritage & Membership Meeting; June 19, Juneteenth; and October, OCAAHS Eclipse Awards Dinner.
There are two ways to join or renew your OCAAHS membership.
Download Membership Form HERE and mail a completed form with a check payable to
OCAAHS, 130 Caroline St, Orange, VA 22960
​or fill in the online form below and pay by credit card to the right.
If you would like to cover more than one year of membership dues, use the Custom Amount field.
For example, if you want to pay for this year and the next two, click the $20 radial button for this year and then
add $40 in the Custom Amount field to extend your Individual Membership through 2027.
You can also use the Custom Amount field to make an additional donation.
Feel free to convey your wishes in ‘Write us a comment’ field.