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Groundbreaking Church Street Project February 14, 2022

Town of Orange breaks ground on new park

WVIR, Isabel Cleary

ORANGE, Va. (WVIR) - The Town of Orange is getting a new park. A crowd gathered Monday, February 14, for a groundbreaking ceremony.

“This used to be a strong African-American community. The portion we’re talking about Mill Street, Church Street, Short Street,” President Darryle Crump said.

The park will commemorate the history of what was once an African-American business district.

“We’re trying to commemorate it and help people to understand the history more of this community, because there is a lot of the people who are no longer here,” Crump said.

Jane Ware grew up in this area, and was excited to help break ground.

“It means a lot,” Ware said. “It was needed.”

The park is expected to cost around $50,000, and will have signs with QR codes for visitors to scan to learn about the history.

“A lot of it has been sponsored, given to us by donations and sweat equity, just people working, getting things done,” Crump said.

The park is slated to be completed sometime in June.

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